All language translator

by Klays-Development


1.99 usd

Translator for more than 100 languages

Instant translation and the full validity of the words.- This App will be very useful to people studying a foreign language (travelers, students and everyone who raise their level of language)- Its interface is very simple and easy to use- Due to the favorites list and the history you can look through the translated information offlineSoftware features:- Translation of words and phrases.- Voice input- Favorites- History- Interface settings.Supported languages:AfrikaansAlbanianAmharicArabicArmenianAzerbaijaniBasqueBelarusianBengaliBosnianBulgarianCatalanCebuanoChichewaChineseCorsicanCroatianCzechDanishDutchEnglishEsperantoEstonianFilipinoFinnishFrenchFrisianGalicianGeorgianGermanGreekGujaratiHaitian CreoleHausaHawaiianHebrewHindiHmongHungarianIcelandicIgboIndonesianIrishItalianJapaneseJavaneseKannadaKazakhKhmerKoreanKurdish (Kurmanji)KyrgyzLaoLatinLatvianLithuanianLuxembourgishMacedonianMalagasyMalayMalayalamMalteseMaoriMarathiMongolianMyanmar (Burmese)NepaliNorwegianPashtoPersianPolishPortuguesePunjabiRomanianRussianSamoanScots GaelicSerbianSesothoShonaSindhiSinhalaSlovakSlovenianSomaliSpanishSundaneseSwahiliSwedishTajikTamilTeluguThaiTurkishUkrainianUrduUzbekVietnameseWelshXhosaYiddishYorubaZulu

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Wonderful app: easy to use. Will be keeping this one. Excellent for travel use.

Angela Tallett

Great app. My only suggestion would be that when you flip languages that the text in the lower language box would go to the upper box for reverse interpretation. Google does this. This is like google translate but really much more user friendly execpt what i mentioned before

Brent Locher

NICE app for language translation .loved it


Very good app

Philip Adjei Boadi

Excellent experience 👏


Great app, it records your history so you don't have to keep typing the same thing over and over. Seems fairly accurate so far. I'd recommend this app.


Well done. Works as advertised. No issues.

Jefferey Tripe


Noman Ali

I love this app. It works well. I finally got the paid version although the free version is all most people will need. I'm learning German and use this app nearly everyday.

Susan Gallager

Very simple but a great app. I use it often so bought the app 🙂

F Taliu